50 years of truckmount manufacturing experience combined with decades of hands on truckmounted cleaning field operations, fleet management & business building to bring you better cleaning, more reliable and low maintenance truckmounts.  We build these for our own businesses, they are built and designed with the our business needs and fleet profit & reliability. 

Better Cleaning

"Our SP units get the cleaning done better & faster than traditional units building consistency in your brand and results.  Slide ins that clean better then Clutch or Power take offs with less maintenance, isn’t that what we all needed?

 Key Power Specs for each unit

  • SP DUAL = 20hg / 1,980 cfm max (true dual string-in)
  • SP1000 = 17hg / 540 cfm max (dual string-in capable)
  • SP750 = 17hg / 373 cfm max

With this kind of power optimized to actually send to the wand, our SP units generally get 1 hour or less dry times.  We are able to advertise 1-2 hour dry times for our truckmounted businesses, making it easier for customers to have the work done in their home, happier with the speed to get back to life & much less likely to have spots return reducing re-services.  We cannot say enough what this does for closing leads and customer experience.  When you get a dry time like that due to sheer power, you also get a way better extraction & cleaning giving you an overnight business differentiator just by owning one.

Better Profit

All the SP units are designed off the same principles.  Hyper efficient fuel consumption / Very powerful suction / Easy Low Cost Maintenance.  When you reduce fleet wide fuel consumption vs any other brand, Reduce maintenance cost & down time, make in house what used to have to be specialized and have SP units that clean better and faster then anything else in their classes…. You start to put together how that effects your bottom line, down time and easier management of your truckmount assets.  We can speak from experience: SP units change your life as an owner operator.  More profits, less headaches.

Don’t let anyone tell you that late nights, trucks being towed, trucks being down, needing to buy multiple back up trucks, waiting on poorly engineered parts and ultimately losing a bunch of money is just “the cost of doing business”.  With the SP units it can get a whole lot better!  


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Built to Last

Designed with cost efficient durable modular parts to make it easier to maintain yourself or cost efficient to outsource as well as 10 year warranties on all frame, tanks & heat exchangers.  We do the opposite of the “engineered for obsolescence”.  We feel the SP lines effectiveness is proof that the supply chain has been garbage for decades in our industry and there is a much better way moving forward.

Better Support

We actually build and own multiple truckmounted steam cleaning businesses. These units are hands down better for your profit, brand, and future. Not only do we want you to have this better technology, (since we actually know the painful experience of owning almost every other major brand unit in our industry) but we want your business to thrive, and we know what it takes to win owning a truckmounted business. These units were built out of a deep need for better profitability, lower maintenance cost, and a better, faster cleaning

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